We’re running out of time to change the course of irreversible ecological loss. Understorey is an impact investment company investing in critical solutions by visionaries tackling the climate and nature crises with transformative ideas and technologies, guiding humanity towards a net positive impact on nature.

Understorey believes in nurturing the transformational narratives that will inspire the next generation to grow a better, more hopeful future. It seeks to help restore planetary health and support a regenerative society that’s just, inclusive, and conscious of all living things. MEK was engaged to build a brand from the ground up to support this vision, leading with impact-led strategy.

Vision & Mission
Brand Positioning
Brand Values
Brand Purpose
Brand Messaging
Brand Idea
Brand Story 

Verbal Identity
Brand Identity
Visual Language
Design System
Brand Guidelines



Through the strategy stage the core brand idea emerged: micro/nature and macro/climate. For micro/nature we focused on anthocyanins—the red, blue and purple pigments found in forest understorey plants that help increase photosynthetic effiency. For macro/climate we focused on Earth’s five major subsystems: atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere. When these spheres all interact with each other, they form the global climate system.

The brand idea became the foundation for Understorey’s visual and verbal identity. The brand mark references the elemental symbol for earth (micro/nature), NASA’s solar system symbol for Earth (macro/climate), and denotes the area of the understorey in the forest. We created a visual language that heroes the interconnected relationship between nature and climate. The colour and icon systems are derived from the symbiosis of understorey anthocyanins and earth subsytems.

The identity positions Understorey as a leader in impact investment addressing the duality of the nature and climate crises. It supports the company’s investment values and service sectors in biosphere, food systems, circular economy, environmental data and finance, and sustainable cities.

The identity intentionally avoids trends and common cues in the nature and sustainability sectors and the finance and investment sectors, in order to differentiate and create a strong, memorable brand presence. It exudes a quiet confidence that instills trust and speaks to the possibilities of its vision, while conveying its personality, tone of voice, and underdog spirit. Because Understorey is a B2B company, it's important its identity doesn't overpower or detract from its partners’ identities, but also stands on its own.

The brand disrupts the impact investment category with a unique, impactful identity synonymous with innovation yet uncommon in the B2B nature and climate space. It conveys a hopeful future with a compelling narrative that supports Understorey’s motivation of unlocking abundance and prosperity for people and the planet by using science and systems design inspired by nature.

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1 Tripovich St
Brunswick VIC Australia 3056

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